Nick Earls

Grades 4 – 12


Nick Earls is an international best-selling author of 28 books for adults, teenagers and children. Five of his books have been adapted into stage plays and two into feature films. His most recent book is the novel Empires

In his entertaining and energetic session for middle grades, Nick poses the questions…Where do our words come from? Why do we spell them the way we do? Why is English the weird and complicated language it is? This talk introduces Lexi and Al from Nicks’ Word Hunters books, and gives students the tools to be word hunters themselves with a new way of thinking about language and how it works, including the evolution of language and the factors behind it.

For senior grades Nick poses the question ‘Why, when we have so many options, should we make room for the recreational reading of fiction in our lives?’ Nick Earls takes a journey through his own reading history and its impact on his writing, looking at how reading works and why we should be doing it.


104  Thursday 11 July 9.15am – Grades 4-6

119  Thursday 11 July 10.45am – Grades 9-12

124  Thursday 11 July 12.15pm – Grades 4-6

204  Friday 12 July 9.15am – Grades 4-6

219  Friday 12 July 10.45am – Grades 9-12

225  Friday 12 July 12.15pm – Grades 4-6

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